When looking for new knobs and handles, you want to make sure that you find tools of the highest quality possible. Of course, you want any metalwork tools to be durable, strong, reliable, and affordable. Whether you are buying hydraulic cylinders, linear bearings, or a simple deburring tool, you need to trust in the product. You cannot afford to have any questions regarding whether or not it will be able to handle jobs of the most demanding natures with proficiency.
Since tools such as these are most commonly used in industrial and construction site settings, they need to be able to hold up against rather harsh environments. That is where the quality of your knobs and handles or cutting tools comes into play. I would take a good look at a catalog of knobs and handles before you make your decision.
Maybe what you need for you particular job are toggle clamps. Toggle clamps are fastening devices used to hold objects together tightly, in order to prevent movement or separation. Once again, no cheaply made, shoddy tools are going to get the job done with any integrity, and such jobs often require an extreme sense of accuracy and precision in order to be done right.
You can buy knobs and handles online, but make sure you read reviews of tools if you are unfamiliar with the brand. Like I previously stated, not just any clamps are going to do the trick. They need to be reliable, and made to last.
When looking for knobs and handles make sure you get the opinion of a fellow worker before you buy. Different brands differ in quality based on what tool they specialize in.
Keep in mind as you shop for you tools that different types of bolts have different angles. This is because it is imperative that the head of the bolt is flush with the surface that it is being applied to. So, along with quality, you have to be careful to shop around for the right tools for a given job. Research is key here. Learn more about this topic here.