Motor City residents are using more than just their cars to stay mobile. Smartphones and tablets are quickly becoming a primary source for up-to-the-minute news coverage. Instead of waiting to get breaking news in Detroit local newspapers, citizens can watch and follow the Detroit headlines as they happen, getting the most timely information on the stories that matter to them most. Here’s just a sample of what’s happening around town.
- A heat advisory is in effect for the Detroit area, as temperatures are expected to crest 100 degrees. Citizens are advised to refrain from exertion and stay indoors, particularly the very young and very old, two demographics most dramatically affected by prolonged high temperatures.
- The Frank Murphy Hall of Justice as well as the Wayne County building were evacuated as a power outage shut down the buildings’ main functions. The outage is blamed on the unseasonably high temperatures and an alleged cable failure. Wayne State University also reported a power shutdown in almost 50 buildings, with some people temporarily trapped in parking garages and elevators.
- The Arctic Ring of Life exhibit at the Detroit Zoo has gained another member. Georgie, a female grey seal pup believed to be less than a year old, was transported from the Marine Animal Rehabilitation Center (University of New England) to her new home at the zoo. Georgie was found stranded on a beach near Georgetown, Maine. Due to “compromised” eyesight, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association deemed her unfit to be returned to the wild. Georgie is the fifth rescued seal to be added to the Arctic exhibit.
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