25 percent of companies these days that have a BYOD (bring your own device) policy do not have any kind of Android device management system in place. An Android in the enterprise security system could provide one with all that they need to make sure that software and data stay protected. Every time that an employee logs onto the internet or checks their email from their smart phone, they are taking a risk. That kind of risk could be cured with Android in the enterprise.
In the United States today, almost half of all people that own cellphones own a smartphone. A full 70 percent of all smartphone users routinely use them to check their work email after normal business hours. Because of the fact that security is the largest concern when it comes to taking on a BYOD policy, cloud based software and an Android security model could minimize security concerns quickly. Android in the enterprise is all about protecting the user, and the company.
A BYOD model can help to dramatically increase productivity, eliminate paperwork, streamline tasks and allow for real time updates from any location. Without proper Android management however, it will not protect the company. Android in the enterprise could be the best way to protect any employees or companies information.