Marketing politico, or political marketing, is all about the strategic plan behind a campaign to achieve success and ultimately election. How a candidate markets themselves and their campaigns has always been important to politics, but we know that in 1960 when Kennedy and Nixon were facing off that their campaigns were very influenced by political marketing.
Watch any political ad or campaign today and you will see how certain groups are appealed to, and how certain communication methods are employed while others are ignored. The marketing politico 2012 saw was a good example of estrategias politicas para ganar una eleccion as well as strategies that were not so effective. So como ganar una eleccion?
Through good research, smart planning, team management, and effective communication a candidate can set themselves up for success. For marketing politico 2012 was an interesting year, especially in terms of communication. We will keep a focus on the communication strategies in this article, as research, planning, and team management are all deserving of their own in depth analyses.
The definition of political communication states that the strategy is used to make an influence on the knowledge, beliefs, and actions of the public when it comes to political matters. David L. Swanson and Dan Nimmo crafted this definition and it should be remembered every step of the way in a political campaign.
It is easy to think about the messaging that should be used on phone calls, interviews, television ads, and radio spots, but everyone should be more cognizant of the fact that social media can easily be a part of el marketing politico. If it is any indication of how communication in political marketing is changing, note that Twitter has only one team which is focused on only one industry, and that is the political ad team. Did you know that in 2008 only 37 percent of adults had an online presence on social networks, but now 69 percent of adults say that they do? This medium for communication is growing more popular, and more people than ever before can be reached through social networks.
This is where research and effective communication can help your marketing politico digital efforts. If you know that your constituency has a good presence on social media then you will want to make sure that your campaign touches that population and serves as a platform for communicating your message effectively.
Researching the results marketing politico 2012 saw is a great way to prepare yourself for tackling political marketing in 2013 and 2014. There are classes and political campaign seminars which cover all areas of political marketing methods, and some which focus on newer methods such as social media. Never forget that political marketing is a strategy, and like any strategy is only as valuable as its blueprint and its execution.
6 responses to “How Do You Win an Election? Political Marketing of Course”
I had no idea that you could take classes or seminars about this kid of thing. I thought once you got into politics that you would just have to know it, or figure it out for yourself, or hire a professional to help get you through!
How much do these seminars cost? I would like to know if they have any value to people who are not looking to win an election, but who might just want to be campaign managers or help other people with their political marketing?
How much do these seminars cost? I would like to know if they have any value to people who are not looking to win an election, but who might just want to be campaign managers or help other people with their political marketing?
How much do these seminars cost? I would like to know if they have any value to people who are not looking to win an election, but who might just want to be campaign managers or help other people with their political marketing?
How much do these seminars cost? I would like to know if they have any value to people who are not looking to win an election, but who might just want to be campaign managers or help other people with their political marketing?
How much do these seminars cost? I would like to know if they have any value to people who are not looking to win an election, but who might just want to be campaign managers or help other people with their political marketing?