In 2001, there were 481,400 non fatal injuries related to construction jobs. Some of those injuries refer to falls, and in those situations, things like crane safety, fall protection equipment and other fall protection programs can keep injuries to a minimum on work sites.
For any construction job, hard hats and steel toe boots are necessary for safety. However, many companies mandate Osha training or other safety training, as a fifth of all workplace fatalities involve construction workers. Interestingly, the average hourly wage for a construction worker in 2013 was just over $26. Since construction workers aren’t exactly millionaires, things like fall protection equipment help make sure they don’t get hurt and jeopardize their job security and health.
Fortunately, in America, the number of fatally injured construction workers has decreased by around 200 people every year from 2008 to 2013. Companies are doing more to promote safe practices and taking better care to spread safety and ensure employees are comfortable and healthy on the job.