HIPAA text messaging is one of the many things that a company that specializes in mobile health applications can make possible for its clients. Specializes applications for mobile devices can safely encrypt data on your phone, transfer it to the recipient, decode it, and help to ensure both HIPAA compliance and patient privacy. HIPAA text messaging could be a terrific tool for doctors, nurses and health clinics of all kinds.
HIPAA text messaging could be a terrific way to work with “Health 2.0,” which is generally described as the use of mobile tools and software to promote collaboration while also disseminating info between patients, their primary medical care providers and other interested parties. These HIPAA text messaging programs could also work with companies that make use of BYOD (bring your own device) programs. The development and implementation of BYOD programs for health care companies can save money, but it also requires careful planning in order to comply with the standards for security set up under 1996s HIPAA.
With secure messaging healthcare companies can focus more on their patients, while saving time and money in the process. During a study conducted by the nonprofit Commonwealth Fund, Danish doctors reported, as early as the late 1990s, that an average of 30 minutes per day were being saved by ordering lab reports and prescribing drugs electronically. HIPAA text messaging could go a long way to help companies of all kinds. Every single company will arrive at different conclusions when it comes to the threat posted by texting of PHI, and will have to evaluate their policy on mobile HIPAA compliance accordingly.