In 2012, roughly 88 percent of Americans aged 14 or over browsed or researched products online. For the most part, internet marketing has the ability to influence exactly what customers will buy. On that note, there are a bevy of online marketing techniques, including search engine optimization, social media marketing and website design.
The most important thing to point out about internet marketing is the fact that roughly 75 percent of internet users only click on organic links and spurn the paid advertisements. This is why SEO reseller plans are so lucrative; SEO companies only provide organic content for their clients, which helps said clients gain valuable exposure on the internet.
Social media marketing is one of the most popular marketing strategies. Nine out of ten adults who use the internet use social media sites regularly. Even though companies only respond to about 30 percent of their social media fans’ or followers’ feedback, social media marketing affords the public the opportunity to comment on products or services provided by a company.
According to Forrester Research, online sales are expected to grow from 7 percent of overall sales to 9 percent of overall sales by 2016. As such, internet marketing is so important. Companies that have a strong internet presence are more likely to be able to make more sales and generate more business. But it all starts with exposure, which can only be gained by the best internet marketing techniques, including SEO, website creation and social media marketing. More like this blog.