With the crazy advancements in technology, we have become a digital society stuck in an era of constant connection. Things like tablets and smartphones have changed the way we live our normal lives, and have made everything easier. Why should anything be any different within the comfort of our own homes, especially when there are technologies out there that can allow us this option?
A company spokesperson recently said that people now use their smartphones more than ever, in which he also noted that 80% of homeowners monitor their home through then use of the smartphones. This is evidence that we as people are adapting to these new ways of life being thrown at us, and to not take advantage of their offerings would be just silly. A recent survey conducted by Better Homes and Gardels Real Estate shows that 77 percent of both generation X and generation Y home buyers would prefer their homes to be equipped with the technological capabilities they have grown accustomed to.
When it came to the comfort of our homes, we once only spent our time with home security systems comparisons rather than the easiness of luxury. Although the safety provided from top home security systems comparisons is important, things like multi room speaker systems, home theatre designs, multi room receivers, and other fun desires are on the rise. But sometimes with new technology for luxury can come safety as well, for example, some smart home technology allows parents to regulate their children television watching by programming it so that they can only watch it during certain point throughout the day.
In the likeness of safety, home security systems comparisons will always be a good idea to ensure the protection and well being of your home, but what about the health and well being of people living within it? For example, home hemodialsys is a type of dialysis therapy that is beginning to be available to smart home owners. Although it is only currently available to less than two percent of people in the country, it is expected to increase in the near future.
Also, the latest consumer reports have shown that programmable thermostat device could lower an annual heating and cooling cost by $180, and everyone knows they could use a little help with that annoying bill every month. The point is, turning your home into a smart home is not only about luxury, or accepting the fact that we are in an extremely technological era, it is about the fact that it will provide a homeowner with, lower costs, an even safer home, and easier living.