Oh no, oooh nooo. That light that says something about checking the engine is on. What does that mean? Is the engine going to blow up or do I just need to get under the hood and see if the engine is still there? So here I am sitting here thinking what does a check engine light mean?
We all depend on our cars to get us from point A to point B on a regular basis, and few of us ever give it much thought until we are faced with questions like what does a check engine light mean. Fortunately, automobiles have come a long way since the predecessor to the car. This was a self powered vehicle used to haul cannons. It was constructed in 1789 and weighed 8,000 pounds. Before the 1920s, cars did not have a gauge to indicate gasoline levels. Drivers back then had to just estimate how much fuel was left. They also did not have to worry about what does a check engine light mean.
The first insurance policy for cars was issued in Westfield, Massachusetts in 1897, and presently we all have insurance. This is a good thing considering most car accidents occur within three miles from home. But insurance does not tell us what does a check engine light mean.
Another interesting aspect of the auto is that most American car horns are in the key of F. Remember that the next time you are playing a trivia game and you just might blow the competition out of the game.
OK, so what does a check engine light mean? There are different possibilities. The best way to understand what does a check engine light mean is that it is alerting you that there may be something wrong with the functionality of your engine. Your best bet of finding out what does a check engine light mean is to bring your car in to a professional mechanic. He will be able to determine just what the problem is. An auto repair service Waltham MA professional can tell you why the check engine light blinks and what to do when check engine light comes on. Your mechanic can help you with auto body repair supplies that can answer the what does a check engine light mean questions as well.
Continue: thecarscompany.com
6 responses to “What Does a Check Engine Light Mean?”
I freaked out the first time the check engine light came on. Luckily it was nothing serious.
That check engine light can mean that some thing serious is wrong, so definitely get it checked out.
That check engine light can mean that some thing serious is wrong, so definitely get it checked out.
That check engine light can mean that some thing serious is wrong, so definitely get it checked out.
That check engine light can mean that some thing serious is wrong, so definitely get it checked out.
That check engine light can mean that some thing serious is wrong, so definitely get it checked out.