Over the next year, auto repairs are going to increase by 0.9% to meet rising demands. This may be good news for car mechanics, but it is a mixed bag for car owners, since getting quality repairs can be costly. This is because good mechanics get paid between $16 and $27 per hour, but good auto repair shops are worth the investment when it means that your car is fixed right the first time. Before you bring your car in for repair, know some of the signs and what you can expect of certain common car repairs.
- Brake Repair
- Engine Repair
- A/C Repair
- Transmission Repair
Most people know that their car needs new brakes when they hear that high-pitched squeal. That squeal is supposed to happen, and it comes from a sensor placed on your breaks to give you advanced warning of when replacement is imminent. If you hear harsh grinding, however, then that indicates that you have worn through your brake pads and you are now doing harm to your rotors. Brake repair can cost between $140 and $800 for one axle, depending on the make and model of your vehicle.
Engine problems are noticeable by three factors. The first being terrible banging noises, the second being a noticeable loss of power, and the third being smoke. White smoke is an indication of coolant and water in the combustion chamber, black smoke could indicate that too much fuel or not enough air are entering the chamber, and blue smoke indicates that you are burning engine oil. Any of these signs mean that you should head to a mechanic. Fortunately, mechanics have knowledge of both electrical, and regular automobile systems, so do not worry if you have a hybrid or an electric car.
A/C repairs are a foregone conclusion when you turn on your A/C, and nothing happens, or worse, you get heat. Minor repairs can be between $150 and $800, if parts such as sensors, hoses, compressors or condensers need to be replaced. Major A/C repair can be anywhere between $1,000 and $4,000, and could involve a major replacement of any and all parts including the ones mentioned previously, belts, pressure switch and valves, and the refrigerant.
A transmission repair is something that you do not ever want to have to deal with, as it can cost between $300 and $5,000. When the transmission fails, it can be for a minor reason, such as an electronic or software problem, or a major reason such as the literal disintegration of the inner workings. Both can be signaled by a running engine, but no get-up-and-go.
Did you know that an auto mechanic has a toolbox that is typically five or six feet tall? You are going to be glad that they have all those tools at their disposal when you bring in your car. Look for an AAA approved repair facility whether you need brake repair, or engine repair, and even if you do not know what the problem is ahead of time you can trust that your car is in good hands. Find out more about this topic here.