Hunting vacations and going fishing are two much enjoyed hobbies for many Americans. Avid fishermen, as well as hunters, know some interesting things about their game. For instance, did you know that a rainbow trout is a carnivorous fish? It is true. Trout will eat the eggs of other smaller fish, and Salmon eggs. They will even eat small crustaceans. The largest North American and Eastern Asian mammals are Elk. Elk are also the largest of the deer species. In some parts of Asia, the people use elk antlers as an ingredient in their medicine.
Many hunters make plans each year to go on guided elk hunts. About 12.5 million hunters go on hunting trips each year in the United States. Just in the state of New Mexico alone, 139,111 hunters applied for big game hunting licenses in 2012. Hunters go for black bear, mule deer, elk and even turkey when they go on hunting trips in New Mexico. Many of the avid hunters sign up to go on guided hunts on hunting ranches in New Mexico and in other states here in the U.S. The largest Elk Reserve in the United States is in Wyoming and the boy scouts there go out and collect the antlers to auction off in the town square in Jackson, Wyoming. They use the money they raise for their winter Elk feeding program.
Trophy mule deer hunts are guided mule hunts. Hunters that go on trophy mule deer hunts are usually the more experienced hunters who are looking to bag the biggest buck of their life. Most people want a trophy mule deer that scores more than 180 inches. Experienced hunters agree that going on trophy mule deer hunts on public land is difficult. That is why many hunters choose to go on guided trophy mule deer hunts on a hunting ranch. Trophy mule deer are difficult to hunt and you need a guide to give you tips and pointers, even if you are an experienced hunter. Find out more by calling hunting ranches today to ask about guided trophy mule deer hunting vacations.
7 responses to “Trophy Mule Deer Hunts”
More hunters are spending their hunting vacations on hunting ranches.
You are guaranteed to get your game on a guided hunt.
You are guaranteed to get your game on a guided hunt.
You are guaranteed to get your game on a guided hunt.
You are guaranteed to get your game on a guided hunt.
You are guaranteed to get your game on a guided hunt.
You are guaranteed to get your game on a guided hunt.