Whatever the economic controversies surrounding the Jones Act (or Section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act, requiring that any shipping done between US ports be done by US constructed ships bearing US flags, US crews, and owned by US citizens), its purpose is clearly a noble one… to protect the rights and jobs of US sailors and seamen. But it is not the only such act.
The Defense base act attorneys can tell you is intended to provide workers compensation benefits and protection to civilian workers working on US military bases outside of the US. This is further augmented by the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, which maintains reserve securities of over $2.8B, in order to continue to provide workers compensation protection and benefits for injured workers, even if the company for which they work becomes insolvent. Should an employee die while on the job, the DBA and the Longshore Act can help provide for their funerals and their families.
Maritime claims for workers compensation can be especially important to the families of those workers, families who know all too well the risks and dangers of a life spent at sea. When the unthinkable happens, maritime claims attorneys are ready and able to help those families get the help, guidance, and peace of mind they need to weather any storm. Maritime law can be a tricky know to untie, but with the help of professional DBA attorneys as well as maritime claims lawyers, no worker or their family will have to go it alone. For more, read this link:
7 responses to “Maritime Claims Unravelling the Code”
the jones act is why no one wants to buy american-made ships, because their too expensive.
I thought they were trying to repeal the Jones Act, or modify it, or something… Wasn’t John McCain supposed to be handling that?
I thought they were trying to repeal the Jones Act, or modify it, or something… Wasn’t John McCain supposed to be handling that?
I thought they were trying to repeal the Jones Act, or modify it, or something… Wasn’t John McCain supposed to be handling that?
I thought they were trying to repeal the Jones Act, or modify it, or something… Wasn’t John McCain supposed to be handling that?
I thought they were trying to repeal the Jones Act, or modify it, or something… Wasn’t John McCain supposed to be handling that?
I thought they were trying to repeal the Jones Act, or modify it, or something… Wasn’t John McCain supposed to be handling that?