If you’ve been hurt at work and are unable to return, understanding how to claim benefits workmans comp Arizona benefits is extremely important to maintaining your financial stability. Ideally, your employer will help you with this process, but there’s no guarantee of that. The more you know about Arizona workers compensation, the better off you’ll be.
Staying on top of your workmans comp Arizona proceedings might mean consulting one of the numerous workers compensation lawyers arizona offers. An Arizona workers compensation attorney will help you understand how each insurance carrier underwrites your worker’s comp insurance, and help you get the workmans comp Arizona benefits you’re owed in a timely manner.
Did you know that you qualify for workmans comp arizona benefits as soon as you have been fully disabled for seven days due to an injury sustained at work? This is good to know, as you don’t want to wait any longer than necessary to begin filing for your benefits. It’s also important to know that claiming workmans comp Arizona means you consciously forfeit any right to sue your employer for wrongful practices that may have contributed to your injury.